Course curriculum

    1. Adapting Role Playing Games to Class Sized Audiences

    2. Introduction

    3. Adapting to Different Audiences

    4. RPG Structure

    5. Skills and Spaces

    6. Challenges

    7. D&D with Izzy

    8. Summary & Outro

    1. Bridging The Experience Gap

    2. Introduction

    3. Transforming Existing Experiences

    4. Avoiding Cognitive Friction

    5. Crafting Meaningful Experiences

    6. Bridging the Experience Gap

    7. Minecraft Applications

    8. Closing and Outro

    1. Dogs BOND as a teaching tool for empathy and compassion.

    2. Intro

    3. Play-Based Learning for Empathy One

    4. Play-Based Learning for Empathy Two

    5. Play-Based Learning for Empathy Three

    6. Engaging Through Game Mechanics

    7. Connecting People via Gameplay

    8. Outro

    1. Formative Game-Based Activity Development: Perceptions of Instructional Designers

    2. Intro

    3. Overview

    4. Game Applications

    5. Research Question

    6. Theoretical Framework

    7. Literature Review

    8. Study Framework

    9. Data Collection

    10. Interview Questions

    11. Themes

    12. Findings

    13. Outro

    1. Game Design for Young Learners: Pedagogy & Principles

    2. Introduction and Overview

    3. Principles of Good Game Design

    4. Benefits

    5. Case Studies

    6. Monstser Meal

    7. Video

    8. Game Feedback

    9. Takeaways

    1. Gamestormers

    2. Intro

    3. Game Overview Win Conditions

    4. Actions Overview One

    5. Core Loop Overview

    6. Actions Overview Two

    7. End of Round Actions

    8. Tokens

    9. Money and Resources

    10. Turn Overview

    11. Round Overview

    12. Scoring

    13. Outro

About this course

  • $999.00
  • 314 lessons
  • 25 hours of video content

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